Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions are designed to enable Events to operate safely, effectively and in accordance with the law.

NOTE: These Terms and Conditions of Participation set out the agreed terms between the Event Organiser and you in relation to your participation, and any Minor’s participation, in the Event. In consideration of your and / or a Minor’s participation in the Event (as applicable), you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. 

You further warrant that you have authority to agree to these Terms and Conditions on behalf of all Minors whose registration you arrange and that you have explained the terms set out in these Terms and Condition to these Minors.

Please take the time to carefully review these Terms and Conditions and understand your rights and obligations.


In these Terms and Conditions of Entry:

  1. The Event is the relevant event or program organised by the Event Organiser for which you and/or the Minors which you register to participate and subject to these Terms and Conditions of Participation.
  2. The Event Organiser is Kids Giving Back and any other relevant agents, sponsors, partners stakeholders or suppliers.
  3. Minor is a person aged between 5 and 18 years of age that you register for the Event.
  4. The Participant(s) includes any Minors and you, if you register for the Event.


You understand that participating in the Event will involve Participants being around people and equipment, which is inherently dangerous and potentially hazardous, and may involve the real and foreseeable risk of serious injury or death from matters including, but not limited to the use of and handling of equipment, risk of danger from other people, fire, gas utilities and working on slippery surfaces and around roads.

You agree, and you will be responsible for any Minor agreeing, to follow all lawful directions given to each Participant by relevant staff and personnel of the Event Organiser while any Participants are on-site and participating in the Event. You agree to and ensure all Minors follow all safety instructions, wear safety equipment as required, and wear appropriate clothing while participating in the Event.

Personal Responsibility – participating with a Minor

You are responsible for each Participant’s safety and for the security of all personal property each Participant brings to the Event. You acknowledge and agree that the Event Organiser does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss, damage or harm caused to any Participant’s personal wellbeing or personal property.

Waiver, Release and Discharge

You release, waive and discharge the Event Organiser and their contractors, partners, employees, agents, directors, representatives, successors, assignees, licensees and any volunteers (together the Released Parties) from any and all loss arising from your Participation in the Event, including but not limited to:

  1. any and all claims and actions for property damage and death, injury or illness of any Participant;
  2. liability arising from actual or alleged fault, act(s) or omission(s) of the Released Parties; and
  3. any loss, damage, costs or expenses that are suffered, caused or arise as a consequence of a Participant’s participation in the Event, or related before or after Event activities,

to the maximum extent permitted by law.

You agree to indemnify the Released Parties and keep the Released Parties indemnified against any and all claims that may be bought against the Released Parties as a result of, or in connection with your, or any Participant’s, participation in the Event.


The Event Organiser collects a Participant’s personal information so each Participant can participate in the Event. Without this information, a Participant may not be able to participate in the Event. You can gain access to, or seek the correction of each Participant’s personal information on request to the Event Organiser.  The Event Organiser may use or disclose each Participant’s personal information for any purposes relating to the administration or facilitation of the Event.  The Event Organiser will not disclose any Participant’s personal information to any third party not specified in these Terms and Conditions of Participation or in accordance with the Event Organiser’s Privacy Policy, except with your express written consent.

Kids Giving Back’s Privacy Policy is available at https://kidsgivingback.org/privacy-policy/.

Contact: Program Co-ordinator

Email: info@kidsgivingback.com

By registering to participate in the Event, you confirm you have fully read and understood these Terms and Conditions of Participation, agree to be bound by them and ensure the Minor(s) will do the same.

Last updated: October 2022